Thursday, 11 November 2010

Analysing someone else's blog - number 2

I have decided to write another post with me analysing these blogs as i now have the guidance and advise from KettMedia. I wanted to further my points and add more hyperlinks of pages and pictures i liked on their blogs. - What i did note down in my earlier post is that i need to add more videos to my blog. But seeing as how many this lad has and the fact that i am only 3 months through this media course, i don't need as many as he has right now - that would be going a bit TOO far! Looking through his older posts (ones that don't have so many videos on them!) i can see that they posts are very detailed but still to the point. But i do have to also say that not all of his videos were made by him, he has imported them from other films. I need to do this! - First, let me say that it is weird how similar we write like each other. Everything is very neatly organised, straight-forward and simple - which would be helpful for the examiner! After being confused for a bit, i did figure out that this blog is just for one project (i hope I'm right) so i can't really take any tips for writing about a film noir.

As both these blogs, have had no subject of film noir about them, i thought id go on the hunt looking for a blog that has had posts about film noir posted on it... nope. I couldn't find one. But look at this blog page: - A lot of story boards much. If I'm being honest, i didn't want to draw story boards lining-up EVERY single shot that i was planning to do, as knowing me, i would get confused and change the idea a couple of times. Of course i am going to do a story board - but i have to make sure it isn't as long as this! P.S She did do a lot of good hyperlinks to places!

1 comment:

  1. hi Olivia - Jenni was working at AS level BUT she did not pass - for a good film noire blog to learn from look at Blaine, Tom, Megan, James, for A grade, Daisy, Jamie, Lydia.. for the B/C range and jordan/conor.. for the D grade - all film noir - remember that id they do not state AS they are A2/Y13 students who were doing a different project.
