Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Notes for my concept board.

This lesson i was thinking about whether or not to go by myself or in a group. The advantage of working on your own is that the work is easier to organise, but on the other hand, you have to do more work yourself. The advantage of working in a group is that there is less work for each person to do, but everyone might not agree and confrontation can be caused. So after 'toing and froing', i decided i would like to work on my own as i have never before and i was to see what i can do! I am quite a organised person and always like to do a large amount of work (sometimes more than i should!) and i also like to do it well.

In our lesson today we made notes that we can use to help us with my concept board which will be presented in front of the class in a few lessons. The points i need to remember are in blue pen, and there is extra notes coming from them. I guess you can say the blue writing indicates the sub-headings in which i need to write about on my concept board. I have decided to use a different media and take a picture of my notes and then upload them onto this post. These notes will help me to add more detail and make sure we don't forget to include anything in our concept board. Bonne lecture!

The concept board is now uploaded onto a prezi, and the video of me presenting it to the class and the class then giving me feedback - asking me questions and giving comments of their own etc.

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