I have made a quesitionaire that will help me to find out what my target audience is interested in. To make sure i aim directly at my chosen audience, i have decided to make two! I have made a list of questions that my target audience will answer and then i will change the date into separate pie charts for each question.
My first questionaire is about what my target audience likes to see in film noirs and
my second questionaire will be about what they think of my plot. I asked 30 people altogether, 15 of them were male and the other 15 were female - to make a fair and realistic outcome.
First questionaire
Here is the first questionaire i have made that will hopefully help my find out what 16-25 year olds like to see in the film noir genre. I have made sure that the people i asked had seen a film noir!:
When i was organising what questions i was going to ask, i made sure i stuck with the idea that the peple i asked HAD ro be 16-25 ( target audience) otherwise it was poinltess me asking my questions and my data wouldnt relate to the future production of my film noir as i would be targeting it at the wrong sort of audience.
I wanted to find out this because evernthough we have to make a film noir, i could add parts of another genre in there so my target audience would be more interested. The data here shows that comedy is the most popular film genre. Unfortunately i havent scripted any humour in my film noir and the actions of my characters are serious. However, the second most popular genre is drama, which luckily my film noir will have a lot. I also have to keep in mind that these are my target audience's favourite genre, they may also like the other genres.

This was a very general and important question to ask. It told me if my target audience would even be interested in watching my OTS. If the data showed that they didnt like film noirs, i would have made my OTS less conventional of a film noir and more modern. However, the data showed that they did like them so i can take the chance of making my OTS partly conventional to target my chosen audience. My OTS will be partly conventional and partly unconventional so it will target most of 16-25 year olds. My target audience likes film noirs.
This question would show me how often the film noir genre was watched by my target audience. It did show me that they didnt watch them more than twice a week, but it could be possible that my target audience watches them once a week. So my target audiece would want to watch my OTS more than once a week, i have decided to not make it so conventional of a film noir - adding the drama genre in it also.
This question would give me the answer to what i could focus on or exel in when making my OTS. The result of this question was the storyline. It is the reason why most people would watch the film and also what would be on the back of the DVD for them to buy it.

I wanted to ask this question to my target audience because i wanted my OTS to be memorable. The pie chart shows that the actors are the most memorable thing. Everthough my actress is very pretty, i need to make her actions memorable as i have no dialogue coming from my female characters. My male character will be memorable as he is the only male in the OTS and he does have dialogue in this film noir. The second most memorable thing that my target audience notice is the costumes. This is probably because they arent from this era, and its interesting to find out what people wore in the late 40's to early 60's. I am definately making each of my characters recognisable from my costumes as i am having one actress playing two women characters - so i have to make each woman completely opposite but still portaying the fact that it is the same person. The costumes also show the wealth and class of my charaters. It also shows that my male character is a rich buissnessman. However, when my female killer is following my male victim, she mustnt be recognisable but my audience must know that it is a woman. I will do this using heels and nail varnish (shown when gun is being pointed).

I decided to ask this question because i wanted to make sure i was doing the right thing having a women as the killer and a man as the victim. As half of the people i asked are male and the other half are female, the outcome was fair. The data shows that 16-25 year olds think that having a female as the 'bad-guy' is better. It is very conventional thing in film noirs.
This pic chart has shown me that i am also doing the right and conventional thing of having my OTS black and white. This also gives more of a sense of mystery which is key for me to portray. There are more black and white film noirs than there are colour (mainly because of the time they were made) eventhough this is the case, some of my target audience still like colour film noirs. I have still decided to keep with my idea of having my film noir black and white.
Overall, the process of collecting this data and putting it into pic charts has given me more confidance in what i deas i have already sorted. i have to try and focus on the results of this data collection when making my OTS, however to make my OTS better, i may not make it around the data i found out. It may be better for my OTS to do things that arent always what my target audience are interested in if it means improving it and making it all work together.
P.S. If you cannot see the pie chart results, just click on the photos for a more close-up version of it.