In our last lesson, we had to sit in front of the class and present our ideas using our concept maps. I did skip a lot of the VERY detailed points as i didn't want to bore anyone and to make them feel patronised. However after i did my presentation, i was a bit annoyed as i completely forgot to tell everyone about my really interesting and different ideas that i had! I was secretly uber-proud that i did it on my own in front of everybody with no script and no definitive idea about what i was going to say. I did get some VERY helpful feedback though which i have mentioned in my previous 2 posts. People did mention how i was going to film my scenes with just one actress and what the reason for me to do that. Before this presentation i thought my OTS was going to be very typical and a conventional film noir OTS, but me having one actress and having 3 femme fatales made me realise it isn't going to be as conventional as i thought. I was very grateful for that advise. I was also asked the question - did women actually play poker with men in the 1950's? I felt a bit stupid for me not knowing this weeks into planning it, but with the help from 'Yahoo answers' i found out they wouldn't have if the man didn't like it. The men had control over the women, and wouldn't have let them play against them, it was a mans game. But in my OTS, the male character is cheating, so he wouldn't have minded playing with the 3 'vunerable and foolish' women if it means getting money from them. The women wouldn't have minded playing with the male character because they knew he had money, they wanted his attention and those particular women wanted to be independent and to be able to make money for themselves without being controlled.
Also, here is a few websites i discovered while trying to find out if women played poker back then. Please keep in mind that the internet isn't always telling the truth and i haven't used these sites to plan my OTS but having them one here would give me something to look back on if i need reassurance:
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