Wednesday, 29 December 2010

The preparation before the filming.

I have organised to be filming my full film noir OTS tomorrow, but there are some important things on a list i need to tick off before i actually start filming:

- Take a picture of a city scene which will be the background when the credits are up. I will take this overlooking Norwich, as it has a very historical feel to it. I am taking this VERY important photo at around 2pm, which at this time of year, it will be getting slightly darker and the fog will be very interesting.
- I will then be taking pictures of the costumes my characters will be wearing. This will include the two women, the killers outfit and the man's poker costume and also the clothing he will be wearing when he is being followed by the killer. Im aiming to make these pictures quite interesting and arty, so they could also go into my photography folder. I will take them in black and white, which will add to the old-fashioned factor!
- Just before i start filming, i will do LIGHT TESTS, taking pictures of how the light coming certain places will shine onto my characters faces - and seeing if they create a mysterious and suspisous atmosphere. It might also help me to have these photos in my photography folder.
- I will then do the main and most important task on my mind right now - actually filming my OTS. I am filming it at my dads house as he has a smalled table and a good enough size room  - one that will give the feeling of being enclosed into the poker game. There are VERY importand things that i am having to remember:
                              - To remember to bring the cards, a white hankerchief (to wipe the sweat off my characters nervous forehead) and black gloves to my dads house. The black gloves are very IMPORTANT because they will hide the colour of the killers nail varnish, something that i will show during the poker game. I must do anything that will hide the possible identity of the killer. If the audience guesses who the killer is, they wouldnt want to watch the film because they would know how he was killed.
                              - Woman number '2' who is the blonde, i have to remember to get her to wear pearls as she will touch them during the poker game. Pearls show wealth, class and the fact that she may like money and luxuries - a reason for her to be the killer.

                              - I have been lucky enough to have borrowed some very old, some very expensive-looking vintage glasses. These glasses are probably mid-50's and are silver - another thing which could show the wealth of the woman. I am wondering which woman-character i should get to wear them - they do seem more innocent to me - so probably the blonde woman. However, i may try out both looks to see which one looks more realistic. I have to be careful because the lenses are really thick and i do not want to blind my actress!

                             - I also have to remember to BRING MY STORYBOARD with me when filming, it is my guideline and links my planning to my production.                                    

Wish me luck on my production!

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