- The table. I have organised the location of the table, which is in the back of my living room (technically the dining room) and there is curtains behind the table. These curtains will look effective when the light shines on them - creating shadows. I also think these curtains will create a closed-in effect which i am aiming for. As i havent been able to find a round table for my OTS, i have had to work with my big rectangular dining table. If i use the edge of the table,. and try not to focus on the table too much, im sure i will be able to get away with it.
- The cloth for the table. I have got a dark cloth which will cover the table. I mustnt focus on this too much as i think a rich buisnessman would have a proper felt cover on the proper poker table. I must have a cloth on it because it would hide the wood of the table and also if the cloth is dark, add to my mysterious and dark atomosphere. I also think the dark colour will contrast well with the colour of the cards and money.
- The cards and money. I have borrowed the cards off of my dad, and they are the traditional sized cards and designs. The money i something i have to organise in my media lesson today. As i cant use the money that is used in this present time, i am thinking i might have to print off some early 150s money to lay on my table set. I will talk to my teachers about this today, and i have to make sure it is right because i am filming a few close ups of the money.
- The floor. The floor of my dining room is a very 70's (my OTS is set in the 1950's), but as i only need to film a shot of a femme fetales foot and my victims cuff, im sure this will not matter dramatically. The light will shine off of this floor creating some reflection and hoefully, even more shadows.

- The costumes. Eventhough i have grouped together a whole lot of black, sequins, lace and fur clothes, there is no specific outfit for my femme fetale to wear. I have decided (mentioned in a few previous posts) that i am going to throw as much of these essential items on my characters and to see if they work. I musnt worry about this too much as i am not planning to do very many close ups of what they ar e wearing. The whole affect, however, needs to be black. I have asked my dad (the male character and victim) to wear a dark suit with a white shirt - and to be quite similar to what he wore for when we were filming the following scene. I have never asked him to wear a tie or anything like that - the reason is because i was to give the effect that he is very relaxed and confidant - leading onto the sense that he is quite arrogant.
- The film camera - The compact camera i have at home is very simlar to the ones we have at school, however, my camera has problems when i try to charge it and it is reluctant to do what i want it to. I will ask my teachers if they can loan me a camera just for tonight and then return it tomorrow.
- The camera - I am planning to take a few pictures of what my set looks like and what my characters and props look likw when the whole thing is set up. I am also planning to have somebody else take a picture of my while i am directing or informing my characters of what to do. These pictures will document and prove that i have directed, so i will snap away!
- Sound - i do not have dialogue in this part of my OTS, i am organising to have a dark, atmospheric sound which is conventional of a film noir in the 1950s. I am not going to finalize the music i am going to have because im aware that if i do, then the sound might not fit to the filming and it just wouldnt work. So i am waiting until i havge completed the editing.
- Credits - I am in the process of photoshopping muliple possible combinations of backgrounds for my credits - changing the font, colour and positions of the title but wit the same city scene background. I have done some research of different film noir titles by looking on the internet and by watching ones on the screen (note: the credits from the film noir 'Notorious' are quite simlar to the effect i am trying to accomplish). Here is the edited photo which will be the backdrop to the writing of my title. The original photo was darken to result in this photo. I wanted to set the scene of mysterious night time.
This is the first attempt at puttin text onto my photo and the font is 'century gothic'. I want to put the word 'death' in capitials and in bright red because i think is over dramatic (quite 1950s) and it stands out - showing the viewer what the theme of this film will be. So when my OTS is watched, my target audience will know what is going to happen. But only when they watch it will they know where the word 'cheat' comes into it. When i took the photo, i made sure there was a lot of sky, so i would have plenty of room to add text to it. I did because it has allowed me to have the text as big and dramatic as i want - the larger the text, the more impact and drama i create. When i have presviously watched film noirs, the font is very similar to this.
I really like this one. The font is 'New Times Roman' and is bolder than the previous one - meaning that the red of the word 'death' is bolder. Its easy to read, simple and most importantly, i think it suits the 1950s. The word 'death' is also very central to the text above it - making it the main focus. So the viewer would look at the word 'death' and then look at the rest of the title. I have decided to go with this example and it will feature at the start of my OTS. I have decided to have the actors names, the directors names and producers etc BEFORE the title of the film comes up. So its the last piece of text the viewer reads.
Adding the credits is the last thing i am going to do when i have finished editing, and will be done by using iMovie. I have organised what my credits will say with help from this videos i found on Vimeo and youtube:
I like the layout and the picture beside the credits, the way the camera moves up the stairs with the text and the colour of the background. However, this does look really modern and it looks very homemade (its obviously not an actual film noir).
These credits are from an actual, real film noir and are a good example of what i am trying to achieve. The filming is quite wobbly but that greatly reflects the time this film was made and looks very legitimate. I dont think i will be able to achieve this 'wwobbky'; effect without printing put the planned credits and then filming them. I do like the idea of using fading to change from one credit to another - thisis would be easy to achieve and would look very
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