Thursday, 10 February 2011

Second editing session and the situation i had.

This post is slightly late but i need to record a problem and a solution that occurred when i was trying to edit a few lessons ago.  By the 'situation' i mean that when i was editing i discovered that i had a REALLY BAD continuity error which is going to be difficult to figure out. This problem is of a shot of my killer on the steps - these steps are where my victim is going to be killed but in this particular shot, my victim isn't in it. It is hard to describe the situation, but here is the best i can do:

In the alleyway that i filmed, there are two separate set or steps, where in the middle of these steps, there is just a plain, straight 'walking-bit'. I discovered that a shot of over my killers shoulder and aiming at my victim was filmed at the bottom of the first set of steps. This is wrong because another shot has my killer pointing the gun from the bottom of the second set of steps. This doesn't make sense, but the only way i could make this somehow look more realistic and unnoticeable is to have a shot of my killer just walking along the straight part of the pathway (which is in the middle of both sets of steps). However, i did find that i did have a shot of this BUT, my killer is walking the wrong way (she was walking left when she was meant to be walking right - where right is the direction to the second lot of steps). So i was shown on final cut that you can 'flop' the shot, making my killer walking the way i wanted her to - right.

However i believe there is a separate solution to this problem without using final cut. I think that i might be able to get away with it if i don't have this walking shot at all, so somehow she has jumped from the middle section of the steps, to the bottom - creating suspense and wonder in how she has done this - it could make it look a bit creepy to how she did this. I did want this scene to look quite jumpy anyway so i think this could contributed to this effect i wanted to achieve.

This 'jumping' problem only highlighted another problem i had. If i decided to use the walking shot, there is a slight hill on this straight flat pathway between the two sets of steps so she was walking slightly upwards, to then walk down the sets of steps - doesn't make sense. So i can either use final cut to rotate the frame, just leave the shot and try to get away with it or i could not use the shot altogether. To decide what i am going to do, i will have to  finish the rest of the editing so i can see how the whole thing flows, and then figure out this solution. I am completing my editing session on the 28th of February.

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