I personally like to be different from somebody else so my opinions about television, films and other medias aren't really influenced by other people. For example, when i like a television programme that none of my friends specifically know about, i could tell them that i like this programme, so they then go to watch it themselves. I have then influenced somebody by introducing and suggesting to them a programme i like - making me the opinion leader in this case.
The journalists on the news and when we read articles articles normally try and make us lean to one side of the story, and make the other side of the story look bad. Journalists can tell us as much or as little as they want us to know, giving as much information about the story as they want. I think the news has a major impact on the whole country. For example, the major scandal with MPs claiming false expenses to fund dog food and adult films and multiple of other unneeded things. The country was understandably fuming because tax payers are funding the dog food. Because this scandal effected everybody, everyone was talking about it.
We believe what the journalists tell us, eventhough at the back of our minds, we know they probably exaggerate the stories some way or another. The journalists who reported these crazy stories (a lot of journalists reported them!) had their opinions, which was the same as the public - MPs shouldn't be claiming false expenses. Therefore we respect journalists opinions, they are opinion leaders.
I decided to only interview females because i think more women are likely to watch my film noir than men (i do think men would still be interested in watching it). Here are the questions i asked and the answers i got:
Going a stage further: do i think a friend's ideas about a media text could ever effect my behaviour in anyway?
I do because if a friend said a film was rubbish and if they werent impressed at all, i wouldnt go to see it. I dont think it could affect my behavious violently but for example my friend talked about the film 'Saving Private Ryan', it might influence me to think badly of war eventhough it is set years ago. If my friend talked about how they didnt agree with war and the problems and situtations it causes, i might be influenced to think the same. There is no good side to war and the film obviously shows that there is no good side. I also think how a film has presented the story of it. There is never a good side to war and i think the makers of 'Saving Private Ryan' have taken this idea and ran with it. We are never shown happiness war could possibly cause.
If a friend's idea about a media text like a book which we have both read, and i thought the book was good and my friend didnt agree, this might cause me to argue my point of view.
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