As i am working on my own, i have to be a combination of things, all with different jobs to do. I have already filmed half of my film down St Benedict's street (the scene where my male actor is being followed by the mysterious woman). I have made a list of the people who are needed on a real set of a film being made and how i did these jobs while filming half of my OTS:
Producer - They oversee and deliver the film project, making sure to always keep to the vision of the film.
Casting Director - In the real film world, the casting director would do a series of auditions to find the perfect actor to play a role. I didn't do any auditions, but i tried to aim to get the right actors who would fit the characters well. My actress is very pretty, which is the main appeal of a femme fetale. My actor is very well dressed, and enjoys dressing smartly often, i took this into consideration because it will make sure my actor looks comfortable in what he is wearing. My actor will feel very confidant in the suit he is wearing - which is much like my male character.Location Manager - They find locations which fit the scene perfectly, making sure there is enough room and facilities to be able to film in a specific location. As actors in a film being made could be very well known and the paparazzi are keen to hunt them down, the locations have to be secure and sometimes secretive (so not too much of the film isn't known to the world by the media before it is released).
Director of Photography - These people are in charge of the photos being taken while the film is being made. Whether is is for the special features on a DVD or for media purposes. I will be doing this to test the lighting while filming my poker game. I need to test the lighting to see if it is effective enough.
Sound Designer - They normally manipulate previously composed audio (audio which was made while filming). They would play with previously recorded music and impose effects and enhance sounds and put them onto the filming which has already been edited. They create the desired mood or atmosphere. I will be doing this with music which has already been mixed by somebody, however i will probably record and enhance my own effects which match actions myself. For example: The clicking of my males actors shoes were recorded by the camera, and you can hear them when you play the film back, but to make them more enhance, i might have to record them again and super-impose them on top of the previous sound.
Composer - They create music for the film, which works well as the sound would have been made specifically for a scene or to accomplish a specific atmosphere. I think this will be very dramatic for me to do this and take a lot of time. However, what would be quite effective of me to do would be to super-impose two sounds onto of each other.
Production Designer - They work directly with the Director and Producer, creating the visual conception of the film. The also select the setting and style to make sure the story is visually looking similar to what look is being aimed. I will do this when filming my poker game. I have to make sure the room is looking 'closed in' and 'claustriphobic'. Also if the OTS looks as if it was filmed in the 1950's and the lighting looks traditionally film noir - dramatic and high contrast.
Art Director - they work closely with the Production Designer and are in charge of making the production sets. They can also be involved in the costume design. I will design the set of my poker game, making sure everything is looking aesthetically correct and looking believably and legitimately 1950's.
Costume Designer - This very lucky job is to make sure the actors are wearing clothes that work with their character, situation, job, characters personality, the era etc. Before the filming starts they have to arrange for the actors to try on outfits to see if the fit correctly and if they look aesthetically pleasing. A Costume Designers have to often design and get clothes made especially for a character - this makes sure the clothes are exactly right for the era, and are one-of-a-kind (doesn't count for programmes like Skins' because it is normal for teenagers to wear clothes from the high street, so Costume Designers would often buy clothes from the high street to keep it realistic. This also helps when connecting a character with the audience - they might have the same item of clothing as one of the characters). They also could be on set altering clothes as they are being worn by the actors when filming. I haven't made my own costumes for my film noir OTS, but i have organised outfits for my actors to wear. I researched thoroughly traditional 1950's clothes, while still trying to link back to my idea of having 'black, lace, sequins and fur' to aim for. Before filming my OTS, i layed out outfits for my actress and actor to wear and took photos.
Storyboard Artist - This person creates the visual images to help the Director and Production Designer communicate their ideas to the production team. It is very helpful having a storyboard because it tells you what to do, and as you have already organised the order of events, all you have to do is film and often the scenes work well together - just like they did on the storyboard. When i was filming the scene in the street where my male character is being followed, i brought that scene of my storyboard with me, so i knew what exact angles, and shots i had to film. Eventhough i knew what specific scenes to film, i made sure i filmed other unplanned shots, so that if i have any problems, i will always have those shots to fall back on. If i discovered any good places to shoot which i didn't plan, i made sure i got some shots.
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